HHLC Student Resource – Google Drive

Using Google Drive

Every student has an email account provided by Google and supported by SUHSD. This also includes access to Google Drive.

Google web address: www.google.com

You may get your log-in from your teacher.

In your initial log-in, your password is your birth date in this format, MMDDYYYY.

Google Drive gives you a place to write essays and other projects. By sharing your work folder with your teacher, any work saved in that folder will be available for your teacher to grade and give you feedback. This is particularly great for English essays.

You are required to sign-in to Google Drive and create a Learning Center work folder which is shared with your teacher. All documents saved in this folder are accessible by your teacher. This allows your teacher to make comments on work in progress and turns in work automatically when it is complete.

Sharing your homework file.

  1. Sign on to Google.
  2. Go to Google Drive.
  3. Create a work folder with the following naming convention: lastname.firstname.HHLCWork
  4. Share this folder with your teacher.

Mr. Loy: peter.hosingloy@sweetwaterschools.net

Ms. Rondeau: Katina.Rondeau@sweetwaterschools.net


Sharing files in Google Drive will also allow you to collaborate on projects with other students. One person will own the document and may give permission to edit to others. As we continue to develop our curriculum, you may be asked to do a group project with other students taking the same course.