HHS Library Resources

HHS Library Resources

Welcome to  HTH Library Resources

HHS Library Catalog

Want to check to see if we have a library book? You can now access our collection from ANYWHERE.

Click on this link: Go Alexandria: Researcher

Your login is your student ID#, your password is your 8-digit birthdate.

Just finished a great book and are unsure what to read next? Try NovelistPlusWhat Should I Read Next? or GoodReads for recommendations based on favorite titles.

EXCITING NEWS! You can now look up and view what items you have checked out from the library!
You can look up your fees, fines, debts, and overdue books:
  1. Go to https://hth.goalexandria.com/

  2. Click on Login in the upper left screen

    1. Your login is your student ID#, your password is your last name.

  3. Click on the Green “Status” button

    1. If you have a book checked out, click on the circle of arrows next to it to renew if needed.

    2. Click on Items Out – those are library books currently checked out to you

    3. Click on Textbooks Out – those are textbooks currently checked out to you

    4. Click on Charges – those are any charges you currently have and the amount
